Monday Mar 18, 2024

Daily Anglican prayer Monday morning prayer 18th March 2024


Daily Anglican prayer Monday morning prayer 18th March 2024.

Readings NRSV:  Psalm 41; Jeremiah 40. 1-12; Matthew 21. 23-26.

Led by Felicity Scott, a Liturgical Assistant at St John the Baptist Anglican Church Bulimba, QLD, Australia.

Music by John Keys – Anglican Chant Canticle organ accompaniments.

The full prayer transcript is available by going to this episode on the Podcast website.

Welcome to Monday Morning prayer from the Anglican ‘A prayer book for Australia’.

We proclaim the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ:

GOD in his infinite mercy, forgives all sins, and through our baptism in the name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, we are given a rebirth into new life, free from the burden of all sin. ALLELUIA

With faithfulness we respond to the good news:

We acknowledge Christ as our saviour and accept with gratitude, that we are forgiven for all wrong doings, past and present. To honour the gift of forgiveness, we release our burden of guilt and go forth participating in conduct that brings our best self to each and every day forever more.

Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Blessed be God forever.

Let us Pray.





God’s love has been poured into our hearts,

through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. 

Romans 5.5



Glory to God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit: 

as in the beginning, so now, and for ever. Amen. 



2 The Opening Canticle, A Song of God’s Marvellous Acts

I will sing a new hymn to my God: 
O Lord you are great and marvellous, 
you are marvellous in your strength, invincible. 
Let the whole creation serve you: 
for you spoke and all things came to be; 
You sent out your Spirit and it formed them: 
no one can resist your voice. 
Mountains and seas are stirred to their depths: 
rocks melt like wax at your presence; 
But to those who revere you: 
you still show mercy. 

Judith 16.13–15



3 The Opening Prayer

The night has passed and the day lies open before us; 

let us pray with one heart and mind. 



Silence may be kept.

As we rejoice in the gift of this new day, 
so may the light of your presence, O God, 
set our hearts on fire with love for you; 
now and for ever. 




4 The Psalms as appointed. A pause is observed after each.


5 At the end of the (last) pause there may follow

Creator Spirit, Advocate promised by our Lord Jesus: increase our faith and help us to walk in the light of your presence, to the glory of God the Father; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 




6 One or two Readings from the Bible as appointed.


1st Reading




2nd Reading

Matthew 21.23-26

23 When he entered the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him as he was teaching, and said, ‘By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority?’ 24 Jesus said to them, ‘I will also ask you one question; if you tell me the answer, then I will also tell you by what authority I do these things. 25 Did the baptism of John come from heaven, or was it of human origin?’ And they argued with one another, ‘If we say, “From heaven”, he will say to us, “Why then did you not believe him?” 26 But if we say, “Of human origin”, we are afraid of the crowd; for all regard John as a prophet.’


 The readings may be followed by a period of silence, a reflection


May your word live in us 

and bear much fruit to your glory

2-minute Homily:

Today is Monday of the fifth week of lent, it is then fitting that in this excerpt of Matthew, the Scribes choose to take the fifth when Jesus counter questions them on their beliefs of John the Baptists authority.


Why didn’t Jesus answer them, what harm would it have done? All he had to say was the truth that he was under the Fathers authority. What He gained by not answering was their own reflection on their beliefs of people who proclaim they are heaven sent or people who speak with authority as John did.


Then so today as we read this, we dwell on the same question, if a person spoke with authority today, words that no one else had spoken, would we belief their message to be heaven sent or would we degrade them of those words and declare them a fake like the scribes did.


Our culture today speaks of open mindedness and listening to those with a new message, certainly by listening to my homily you are being open minded to my authority to give you a reflection on this Gospel reading. So today as you go about your day, give people a chance to teach you something new without needing to ask under what authority they speak, just listen and let the message be heard.





7 The Canticle, A Song of Isaiah

‘Behold, God is my salvation: 
I will trust and will not be afraid; 
‘For the Lord God is my strength and my song: 
and has become my salvation.’ 
With joy you will draw water: 
from the wells of salvation. 
On that day you will say: 
‘Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name; 
‘Make known his deeds among the nations: 
proclaim that his name is exalted. 
‘Sing God’s praises, who has triumphed gloriously: 
let this be known in all the world. 
‘Shout and sing for joy, you that dwell in Zion: 
for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.’ 

Isaiah 12.2–6



8 The Apostles’ Creed may be said.

I believe in God, the Father almighty, 
creator of heaven and earth. 
I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, 
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, 
born of the virgin Mary, 
suffered under Pontius Pilate, 
was crucified, died, and was buried; 
he descended to the dead. 
On the third day he rose from the dead; 
he ascended into heaven, 
and is seated at the right hand of the Father; 
from there he will come to judge 
the living and the dead. 
I believe in the Holy Spirit, 
the holy catholic Church, 
the communion of saints, 
the forgiveness of sins, 
the resurrection of the body, 

and the life everlasting. Amen. 



9 The Prayers

Lord have mercy. 

Christ have mercy. 

Lord have mercy. 



10 The Lord’s Prayer and the Collect of the Day

Our Father in heaven, 
hallowed be your name, 
your kingdom come, 
your will be done, 
on earth as in heaven. 
Give us today our daily bread. 
Forgive us our sins 
as we forgive those who sin against us. 
Save us from the time of trial 
and deliver us from evil. 
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours 
now and for ever. Amen. 


Ash Wednesday

Almighty and everlasting God,

you hate nothing that you have made,

and you forgive the sins of all who are penitent:

create and make in us new and contrite hearts,

that we, worthily lamenting our sins,

and acknowledging our wretchedness,

may obtain of you, the God of all mercy,

perfect remission and forgiveness;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer of the Week


We thank you, heavenly Father,

that you have delivered us from the power of darkness

and brought us into the kingdom of your Son:

we pray that

as by his death he has recalled us to life,

so by his presence abiding in us he may raise us

to joys eternal;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever. Amen.


11 Intercessions and Thanksgivings may be made according to local custom and need.

God, how great your majesty abounds before us. We thank you for all your generosity. May the peace and blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ be abundant across all nations and countries for ever more.

God of grace Hear our prayer


Holy God divine and merciful, your blessing on the people is loved by all, for which our gratitude knows no end. Grant, we pray, your saving blessing on all those experiencing times of trouble or strife, that they may receive the guidance of wisdom to lead them to a path of safety.

God of grace Hear our prayer


Almighty God, hear our prayer to bring about a change throughout the people, we ask you to relay the wisdom to each man and woman how to co-exist in peace and the will to do so, to continue to respect one another and teach their offspring to do the same.

God of Grace. Hear our Prayer


Lord God of all might and mercy, we call on your intervention, the country and people of Ukraine and Israel call on your help to set them free from their oppressors and to rebuild their country to live a live free from atrocity.

Lord in your mercy; Hear our prayer.


Loving God, we ask your blessing for those listed on the Anglican cycle of prayer:

  • The Diocese of Costa Rica – Iglesia Anglicana in the Region of Central America
  • The Diocese of North Queensland:
  • The Parish of Indooroopilly:
  • Abri Residential Aged Care – Gold Coast
  • The Springfield Anglican College, Springfield
  • All Parishes seeking clergy.
  • All Anglican schools seeking chaplains.
  • All Prison ministry chaplaincy teams
  • All people joining in this prayer offering.

God of Grace: Hear our prayer


O God, our heavenly father,

We remember this day your faithful servant Cyril of Jerusalem who died in 386;

Raised up to be a bishop in your church

And to feed your flock:

Give abundantly to all bishops and other pastors

The gifts of your Holy Spirit,

So that they may minister in your household

As true servants of Christ

And stewards of your Holy mysteries;

Through Jesus Christ our Lord,

Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

One God for ever and ever. Amen



12 The Morning Collect

Eternal God and Father, 

by whose power we are created 

and by whose love we are redeemed: 

guide and strengthen us by your Spirit, 

that we may give ourselves to your service, 

and live this day in love to one another and to you; 

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.




The Lord be with you.

And also with you. 

Let us praise the Lord. 

Thanks be to God. 


God did not give us a spirit of cowardice 
but a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline. 
May we rekindle the gift of God within us. 


see 2 Timothy 1.6–7

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